No site, no client and no program, instead digitally fabricated physical models were the driver of this project. The method of research-driven design liberated the project from functional and performative demands and opened up for other questions to be raised. The two things that informed the design were the construction process and the material. The material used is clay. With its liquid form, plasticity and ever changing nature it introduces the coincidental in even the most planned objects. The uncontrolled clay meets the absolute control of a 3D printer. In the combination of the two something interesting happens. The robotic machine is used to create something otherwise unimaginable with that material, using only the material and its inherent properties but in a new way. The print is not a replica of a computer model, it is a new object with new properties and advantages. The construction method is thus used to further develop the model. The models can have a range of benefits from aesthetic to performative. They can be developed in accordance with the construction process or by intentionally going against it, using the machine to create with an element of chance.