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The project called Consistency is a master thesis in architecture by My Brandt.


It consists of more than two hundred 3D printed ceramic models. It is questioning the way machines are used in architecture both in a design process and in construction today.


The project is created through a research driven, explorative design process. The design process can be divided into eight parts. Each part informs the next and leads to new insights on 3D printing architecture. What started with an intent to print exactly as rendered computer models soon became more about manipulating the printer and creating something different.

Through the project ways to design with the construction process in mind is shown, both ways to print consistently stable walls but also ways to use machines to create something otherwise unimaginable is presented. Being aware of the specific qualities of the material and the construction method offers ways to profit on the interesting interplay between the natural, uncontrolled clay and the absolute control of a 3D printer.